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How to Cure Chronic Cholecystitis

Written By Unknown on Saturday, March 11, 2017 | 7:21 AM

Chronic Cholecystitis
Chronic cholecystitis is long-standing gallbladder inflammation almost always due to gallstones

Damage in chronic cholecystitis ranges from mild infiltration to thick-walled, fibrotic gallbladder contraction. Gallstones are almost always the cause.

Acute cholecystitis is another contributory factor

Symptoms and signs

Inflamation in chronic cholecystitis sometimes with extensive damage can occur without producing biliary colic.

Thus the absence of biliary colic doesn’t exclude chronic cholecystitis.

However most patients have recurrent biliary colic . There may be upper abdominal tenderness but usually not fever. Once symptoms begin they are likely to recur.

Diagnosis and Treatment
Chronic cholecystitis is suspected in patients who have recurrent biliary colic or gallstones noted incidentally on plain abdominal x-rays.

Ultrasound or another imaging test usually reveals gallstones.

Ultrasound may not reveal gallbladder fibrosis. Cholescintigraphy may demonstrate non visualization.

Laparoscopic cholecystectomy is indicated to prevent both symptom recurrence and further tissue damage.


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