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How to Cure Angioedema & Hives

Written By Unknown on Friday, December 16, 2016 | 12:13 PM

Angioedema is the swelling that is similar to hives,the main difference is Angioedema’s swelling is under the skin while the hive’s swelling is on the top surface.

Hives are also called welts or surface swelling and it is possible someone can have angioedema without hives.

Angioedema may be due to allergic reaction. During this reaction, histamine and some other chemicals are release into the bloodstream, the body releases histamine when the immune system detects a foreign substance called allergen.

Angioedema is also called Angioneurotic edema,welts,allergic-reaction-angioedema,hives-angioedema.

Angioedema causes:-

There are four main types of angioedema
  • Allergic caused by allergic reaction or anaphylaxis
  • Drug-induced-angioedema where swelling is due to side effects of medications you take in such as angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors.Also Aspirin and other NSAIDs such as ibuprofen and pain-killers such as Codeine are included in this group.
  •  Idiopathic angioedema is the kind of angioedema where the exact cause is unclear .
  • Hereditary angioedema resulting from inherited faulty genes

The cause of Angioedema in most cases is not found but the following list might be among the causes:-
  • Animal dander (scales of hair or feathers)
  • When exposed to water, sun-light, cold and/or heat
  •  Some kind of foods like berries, shellfish, fish, nuts, eggs and milks.
  •  An insect bites and stings – Particularly wasp and Bee stings.
  • Drug allergy like antibiotics eg penicillin and sulfa drugs, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and blood pressure medicines (ACE inhibitors).
  •  Pollen.
  • Latex –Types of rubber used to make balloons, medical gloves and condoms 

These two diseases hives and angioedema may occur after the infections or together with other diseases including auto-immune disorders like leukemia, lupus and lymphoma.

Angioedema symptoms
The main symptom is sudden swelling below the skin surface which can further develop the welts or swelling of the top skin surface

The swelling often occur around the eyes, lips, hands, feet and throat and form a line or be more spread out.

Welts are painful and itchy, this is known as hives or urticaria, they sudden turn pale and swell if irritated

Note: The deeper swelling of angioedema might be swelling.

Additional symptoms of angioedema may include thins like stomach cramping and discolored patches or rash on the hands, arms, and feet. In rare cases, people with angioedema may experience a swollen throat, hoarseness, and difficulty breathing.

Other symptoms of Angiodema are listed below
  •  Abdominal cramping
  •  Breathing difficulty
  •  Swollen mouth and
  • Swollen lining of the eyes whites - Chemosis.
Angioedema Treatments
Mild symptoms may not need treatments .Moderate to severe symptoms may need to be treated.
Breathing difficulty is an emergency condition

People suffering from angioedema should:-
  • Stay away from any known allergen or trigger that causes their symptoms
  • Stay away from any medicine, herbs, or supplements that are not prescribed by provider.
Angioedema can be treated by the following medicines:-
  •  Antihistamines such as Loratadine(Claritin) and Cetirizine(Zyrtec)
  •  Anti-inflamatory medicines (corticosteroids) e.g prednisone,solumedrol
  • Epinephrine shots.
  • Inhaler medicines that help open up the airways.
  • Ranitidine(Zantac)
  • Terbutaline
Angioedema that don’t affect the breathing is usually harmless and goes away in few days


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